Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Constitution, Legalities, Elections, Impeachments

"they don't respect our values" -- but do we? Is the Administration respect the Constitution? Follow internal Law? ... on elections, constitutional limits, freedoms, etc.

Clinton was impeached for ???, how does Bush compare? How is Bush running the government?


Healthcare is a major ECONOMIC and SOCIAL policy question.
ECONOMICALLY: The US spends 60% more than its competitor's on healthcare, with questionable quality and poor coverage, burdening business and driving bankrupticies (individual and the country as a whole).
SOCIALLY: there is little security or fairness.

Jobs, Economics

We have an economy that is doing really well? or is it? or is it doing well for the one-percenters? it really creating many jobs? raising incomes?

Environment, warming, science, risks ...

Denial of Science, Facts, Proofs, Statitics ... and suppression of information

Propaganda, Free Speech, Disinformation, False Media?

Bush: "They hate our freedoms -- our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech" ... but can you believe what you hear? Are apparent "Sources" trustworthy or fronts? Can you distinguish Spin? distortion? propaganda? staged events? false "news"? news that is simply not covered? censored? suppression of free speech? what happens to whistleblowers? other religions or non-religions?

Cronyism, Incompetence & Immorality

Many bow down to the Wisdom of Markets ... the invisible hand ... Unfettered capitalism ... lobbyists ... hidden relationships ... What is the inevitable result?

Isn't the natural state of unregulated markets cronyism? monopolies? corruption? kickbacks, payoffs? boom and busts? mass panics? ... Any evidence we are seeing more of this?

Conservative or Radical?

Bush is supposedly a "compassionate conservative" ... but his actions appear "corporate , radical". Historically conservative meant reluctance to adopt untested approaches, involve in foreign entanglements, run deficits, have governments or corporations interfere with the rights of individuals ...

Neoconservative and Bush Ideology

Who are the neoconservatives -- the "The Weird Men Behind George W. Bush's War"? What are their origins and perspectives? How do they drive the Bush foreign policy agenda? Neoconservatives hold numerous key positions in the Bush administration. Originally this smacked of conspiracy theory--the linkages, origins, personalities, actions and messages show a disturbing pattern to link Iraq, Israel and Islam in an overarching plan. On closer investigation the only question is why does this receive?

Geo-Considerations and the War on Terror

What is the larger picture? How do the conflicts in the Middle East position the US in the world? How does it influence the war in Iraq? UN participation? Other countries and peoples reactions? What is this leading towards?

Bush, Enlightenment, Church, State

Separation of Church and State makes them both stronger? ... or are subsidies the way to go? Does it help when religion gets into politics and supports political parties?

Moral Values? Hyprocracy?

Hypocracy watch: Moral Values? Exploitation of Religion for political purposes? Do actions match the words? Are those professing these moral values living those values?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Iraq / Afghan Violence

Who is being killed? US, British, Iraqi, international terrorists? wounded? Not just soldiers and resisters but also civilians?


The US is now the "occupying power" in Iraq. How is it progressing? What are the patterns ... or contrasts? Are there parallels to Israel's role in the occupied territories?